Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Compare/Contrast Shoah/Night

Night and Shoah are similar in that both of them are describing the horrors of the holocaust. However they are different in that they Night focuses more on survival, were as Shoah focuses more on death which show that experiences were different for everyone.

The Road

The thing that makes a book or movie depressing is when the main character or his/her friend is no longer part of the story. This is the reason because you have come to like this character and you want them to survive and for them to live happily ever after but when they don't you feel let down and sad for them.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Persepolis post #2

2) Her individual spirit clashed with politics because the new government had put restriction on people especially women. So therefore, some of the things that she wanted to do she couldn't because the government was oppressing her.

Persepolis posts #1

1) Iranian culture and her childhood clash on a very large scale. She was a child when culture, government, and politics were changing. For example; she was forced to wear a veil in school because the new government said that she had to do so.