Sunday, May 17, 2015

Power and the Color purple Part 1

The imbalance in power in relationships is due to the semi patriarchal society we live in today. For example in the Book the color purple we see how Celie is dominated by Alfred and that seemed normal because of the time that they were in. Also another example of patriarchy is when Alfred comes over to her house and is asking to essentially buy her.  

Friday, May 15, 2015

Bingo card #1- #5

Bingo Card #1


My name is John Smith
I do know where I come from
I just deny it

I was adopted
By parents in Washington
This causes problems

I am very ill
So ill that I kill people
Because of their race

I despise my skin
I do not understand it
Why my folks are white

What Tribe am I from
I may not ever know where
But I do not care

5 favorite movies

Silence of the lambs
Texas chainsaw massacre
American psycho

His favorite movies would be this mostly because of how all these movies are about serial killers who are insane.

10 Songs

The songs that John Smith Would like would include almost every Black Sabbath song.

Online dating profile
My name is John Smith, I am Native American who has a questionable hobby of killing white people, but we won't talk about that. I don't like other people and am what doctors say a "psychopath". I live in Washington so you know I like to party ;).

Bingo Card #2

Twitter Conversation

So im fur real like messed up cuz like IDK where I am from Fam and its like NO CHILL #Confused

I like I feel u Fam thats like messed up #Savage

Deleted scene

A deleted scene would be how John is recruited by ISIL to fight for them and the he is killed in a American Drone attack.

Poem from Daniel

Why, Why is my "son" like this
I put it in quotes because he is my son but I don't know him
He kills and murders others
John stop the crimes
come back to Mom and stay
But I am afraid that you have now gone down a path in which you cant return
I beg and plead
You can even change your name
So many mistakes were made along the way
However you can run and hide
But the truth will always be faster than you
What is it?
I'm sorry
Stop blaming white people for your problems
and take responsibility


Silence of the lambs
Texas chainsaw massacre
American psycho

Multi-Flow Map

Bingo Card #3

Hi my name is John and lately Im going to be honest I am feeling Strange I have really weird thoughts about things that normal people wouldn't have. However it feels exciting and energizing and I know most people would think that I am crazy but that's a good thing. Im really good with weapons and cleaning up and I couldn't live with out my favorite saw. You should HMU if your looking to hit the town and maybe other people if you like that kinda stuff.


The exorcist
The Shining
The Blair Witch Project

He would like all the movies because they are very dark and about people who kill.


After John is dead he actually lives on through spirt. He is invisible to the eye but he still haunts the victims families. He kills still even from the grave through mental torture that inflicts. However a hero named Keanu Reeves must make the choice of wether to pursue the killer or to continue to be a terrible actor.

Deleted Scene

A deleted scene would be one that conveys his death in a much cooler way in that he jumps out of a plane and is captured by the Russians and is mentally and Physically tortured and when he has enough he tries to escape but it fails and is shot dead.

Bingo Card #4

2 to 3 Symbols are how the feathers and the owl symbolize how the Indian killer leaves marks

Me in 20 years
 Love My state

                                     In need his Flow

Saw these two things on Ebay ;)

Bingo card #5

Im am dying now
Because of my own doing
Good bye planet Earth

I am very ill
So ill that I kill people
Because of their race'

I despise my skin
I do not understand it
Why my folks are white

What Tribe am I from
I may not ever know where
But I do not care

My name is John Smith
I do know where I come from
I just deny it

Top five favorite movies

Silence of the lambs
Texas chainsaw massacre

Flow map


The Ghost dance in the Book was a major symbol that really brought out the significance in the insanity of John. He used this as justification to kill.

An imaginary sequel would be when John is still alive and he jumps out of a plane and is captured by the Russians and is mentally and Physically tortured and when he has enough he tries to escape but it fails and is shot dead.