Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Danger of a Single Story

The danger of a single story can influence propaganda because a single story is very bias and it will persuade the public opinion of a single group of people which sometimes is far from the truth.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Battle of Algiers

I think that the movie favors the French over the Algerians because they depicted the French as Police officers trying to keep the peace. This is shown when three Algerian women use bombs to attack three locations. The French reaction to this was not to retaliate, but to keep the peace.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Poem #3

1) Mom

1) My grandma's Greatest obstacle was being japanese during WWII
2)My grandma is fearless
3)Her greatest feat was raising 2 kids
4)My greatest hope for this person is that she will not be alone
5)I would like to ask why, when, where, and how

My Grandma

Fingerprints washed away like chalk on a rainy day
She hid from US soldiers in Hawaii even though she was born in the US but was of Japanese descent
She told stories of about the 40s when she had to turn her lights off because if they were on the the "Japs" knew where to bomb.

My Grandma has been through the ringer, there is no doubt
She was fearless though and it shows
She motivates me to push myself past the limit, she says "Make it count, every single !@#$%^Z& minute!" She raised two kids one of them my Mom
She said my Mom was a brat and my uncle a troublemaker
She raised these kids who as infants were "Horrific" in the middle of the Pacific.

My greatest hope for her is that she is not alone.
Her second husband died at the hands of cancer
So I want to ask if there is a God, why, when, where, and how did you do this to her
After all she has been through?
So I don't want to ask, I'd rather say I love you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

poem 2

1)Yankees fan
2)Basketball player
3)Edina Hornet

1) AVID Yankees fan
2) Obsessed Basketball player
3)Longtime Edina Hornet
4) Fantastic student
5) Forever successful

I had Yankee blood in me since 99 and will till the end of time. Played Basketball since 5th grade and will stop when I turn over in my grave. Once a hornet always a hornet, started in 010 and their will be no end. Long time student I'm always ready to learn. So watch out everybody, sound your horn because I will be forever successful, that started before I was born.

Monday, January 12, 2015

 When Thanksgiving ends Christmas blows up everywhere I go. What my dad is researching I will never no. We meet in the living room to chat and talk, then my parents tell my "you on only have to go to scotia and gleason but take your dog on a walk." In the living room my family talks too much, luckily I can't hear them because airplanes fly over at dusk. I do schoolwork more than I need and when I am stressed I swear in Japanese. Its sad that people are afraid of a 20 pound cat that is too lazy and fat. This is my house filled with health everyday and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

Friday, January 9, 2015

My home

3-the living room
4-scotia and Gleason 
5-talking too much
8- japanese words
9-the cat

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


1- Poetry to me is anything beautiful, not everyone thinks poetry is beautiful but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
2- I am not fond of written poetry, but poetry is not limited to paper. I feel this way because when I read written poetry it doesn't feel real it feels artificial in a way that I can't explain.
3- I think poetry has lasted so long because it is almost a puzzle in a paragraph, meaning that every sentence has multiple meanings and people find that it is enjoyable to read because of that.