Thursday, September 11, 2014


1) The most powerful article I read today was an article written by "German Lopez" titled "11 Things you should know about the Michael Brown Shooting". The article basically stated that on August 9th 2014, Michael Brown was visiting his grandmother unarmed and was stopped by police for jaywalking, and soon there after, he was fatally shot. Police say Brown was involved in a store robbery prior to the shooting. However the Police officers who shot Brown "were unaware of the robbery" (Lopez, 2014) when they shot him. I found this article to be the most powerful because it makes a statement on our racial standpoint as a nation, Lopez calls this "Deep-rooted disparities in local Government and law enforcement". This compares to the Children's March because the police are unjustly disciplining citizens. The Children's March differs in that deadly force was not used in Birmingham, as it was used in Missouri.

2) This source was a mixture of Fact and opinion. What I mean by that is, the Authors opinions in the article were based off of proven facts. I know this because the Author is asking questions that cannot be answered with a fact, but it can be supported by a fact. I would rate this source as a 3 because the Author did have fact based arguments, but they were opinionated.

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