Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pre-writing "Beauty"

 In our society today beauty is defined as "not too wide, not too thin, not too tall, and not too short." People will judge others on their appearance no matter what their looks. The way the author is describing beauty is that we should appear in a proper manner, but at the same time let a person be who they are.

1-Independent, strong, motivated.
2- That she did not let society dictate how she lead her life, and she was who she was off camera.
3- People tend to think that looks determine your social standing but if you did not care what other people you would be a-lot happier.

She wants other people of color to accept who they are by not letting societies image of beauty to stop them from being who they are.

How is beauty defined?
A:In the fashion industry its the color of your skin.
What do you notice about the gatekeepers to the fashion industry
A:They want white models
how does Renne describe herself, would you say she has a positive self-image
A:She is constantly battling racism.
how does beauty connect to identity in this video
A: How people think that just because you are black you cant do certain things
what is the bottom line for advtetizers.

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